Frequently Asked Questioned



When can I choose my pup?

We allow our clients to choose their pup between 4-6 weeks.


I no longer want a pup... Will my deposit be refunded?

No. If you change your mind about getting a pup, you have the option of choosing a pup from a later litter. If not, your deposit will be considered forfeited.


Can I make payments on my puppy?

Yes, you have the option to make payments. However, total balance must be met before picking up your pup.


When can I pick up my puppy?

You will recieve a pick-up-date for your pup. You have a week from that date to pick up your puppy. After 7 days a boarding fee will incur at a rate of $20 per day. If at 2 weeks you still have not picked up your puppy or made delivery arrangements, your reservation will be consider forfeited, and your pup will be sold.


What if my pups ears need re-posting?

This is a very common issue. Dont panic. If your pup has removed the post, re-posting is a simple task. You'll need medical/sports tape and a stilt to re-post. Post should remain in place atleast 2 weeks. Some pups may take longer. Re-post as needed. There are lots of videos on Youtube about posting that will aid you. If you are in the area, you can alway bring the pup back to us for re-posting. If not, your vet should be able to get the job done.


What should I feed my dog?

A good diet is the corner stone to raising a healthy corso. Making sure you pups diet is well-rounded can help prevent unwanted health complication down the road. Some people will agrue Raw, while others will stand by Kibble. We feed a mixture of both, alternate between the two at times, while also adding in fruits and vegetables


Is the Cane Corso right for me?

The Cane Corso is a dominate, free thinking, mastiff that requires a firm hand and contant training. Your time and your love are a must. Because this is a large mastiff that can easily become destructive, we cannot stress enough the importance of spending time training your Corso as to what is as what is not acceptable behavior.


What if i decide that my corso no longer fits my lifestyle?

Please... If you feel that you can no longer provide adequate care for your Corso, contact us immediately and we will assist in rehoming your pet.


Can I have my pup delivered?

Yes. We offer nation wide delivery. Please see Sales Policy for more information.


Does my puppy come with a health guarantee?

Yes. All Virtuous puppies come with a 12-month Good Health Guarantee for any quality-of-life or life threatening genetic health issue. Please see Sales Policy for more information.